Happiness cannot be pursued; it must ensue.
Egg Freezing Tests
Egg Freezing Tests
Once you’ve made the decision to freeze your eggs for later use, you will schedule a consultation with Dr Morgan to discuss the process and undergo some simple egg freezing tests to make sure you are a good candidate for egg freezing.
We will want to evaluate your egg quantity and quality before egg freezing by measuring levels of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Estradiol, and Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) in your blood so that we can predict how successful you may be when you undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF) later on.
Specifically, we will look for low levels of FSH, indicating that your body is not working hard to make your egg follicles grow, and high levels of Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH), indicating a higher ovarian reserve, which is linked to a greater fertility potential.
You may also undergo a intravaginal ultrasound so we can get count of how many follicles are present. We want to make sure you have a sufficient number of oocytes (eggs) awaiting maturation and can be retrieved.
If your ovarian reserve is good and the quality of your eggs is optimal, you will then begin using fertility drugs for about 7-14 days to help your follicles grow and your eggs mature to the point where they are primed to be harvested. We will monitor your body’s response to the medications through bloodwork and ultrasounds a couple times per week.
Dedicated to excellence and committed to assisting you during your fertility journey.
The actual retrieval and freezing is the easy part. You will be under twilight anesthesia when we use an ultrasound guided needle to aspirate your mature eggs from the follicles on your ovaries. The whole process takes place in our office and takes only about 30 minutes from start to finish.
Other than some light cramping afterward, the procedure is quite painless. You may want to take it easy for a couple days, but you will be able to return to work the next day.